Private Coaching

I offer a completely neutral, safe environment for my clients to determine their path in an organic way, should different needs and desires arise during the coaching process.

The focus will be on whatever is most meaningful and helpful for you.

How does coaching work?

Coaching emphasises experiencing the present moment and shifting perspective and viewpoint. Unlike some types of therapy, it doesn’t focus deeply on the past. The emphasis is on what is possible in the present looking toward the future.

Satisfaction can come from resolving situations, dilemmas, conflicts, and concerns, and from figuring out how to create, grow, and expand.

Coaching is about finding a way to change what isn’t working or improving on something that is working. It addresses desires, problems, or situations in the present.

No matter what area of your life you want to improve or transform, hiring a Life Coach ensures you don’t have to do it alone any more.

How often will we meet?

How often we meet will depend on what outcomes my client is working on and how long it would take for them to achieve those outcomes.

Most of my clients start weekly and move to monthly or even quarterly as they gain clarity and permanent change in their perspective.

For more information about the coaching process, please check our Frequently Asked Questions.

Online Coaching

50-Minutes £90

There are many reasons why you should work with a coach:

  • Develop a greater understanding of your life
  • Improve your confidence and sense of self-worth
  • Cultivate a sense of gratitude and grace in your life
  • Learn how to manage stress and minimise its effects on your body
  • Attract the right partner and be a match to the relationship you really want
  • Take better care of yourself in all aspects of your life and make self-care a higher priority
  • Learn better ways to deal with difficult people in a constructive manner
  • Stop holding yourself back due to fear

*Disclaimer: Coaches are solution and action oriented. A life coach DOES NOT TREAT MENTAL ILLNESS or heal trauma from the past.